Sunday 5 June 2011

My CPU makes a beeping sound when I plug it in and it's not working at all. The CMOS battery has been changed?

I have had the computer in storage for a year and this wasn%26#039;t%26#039; an issue prior to storing it... Have I ruined my computer or is this something that can be fixed... more importantly, how much is the problem going to cost?|||When a PC starts up, it does this thing called POST: Power-On Self-Test. If a test turns up negative, it signals a code representing the problem and then halts. The code depends on the motherboard and the maker of the BIOS, so I can%26#039;t tell you what%26#039;s wrong with your computer.

However, I can tell you that unless you have the skills to build your own computer, you will need to replace it.|||IDE ribbon cable connectors to CD and DVD drives can become loosened easily.On the drive or on the motherboard

Check the drive cables and power connectors to all hard drives and rom drives.

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