Sunday, 5 June 2011

How do I replace CMOS batteries?

When my laptop starts up it beeps and the screen says cmos batteries Does anyone know where they are at and how to change them? I have an IBM thinkpad i series.|||Call up IBM they will replace it for free for you...

If not in warranty period, look for where your cmos battery is located for your model on the net...its most probably located some where near the motherboard, open up the place where it is, you can get a new one for couple of bucks at Radioshack, its is like a button can replace it at home itself..that will save you lots of time and money..|||You will have to look it up on the internet to find where it is located, but usually you have to get at the motherboard to do so. If there is not a separate little %26quot;door%26quot; you can open, do not try it yourself. Taking apart a laptop is not all that hard if you know what you are doing, but you can easily destroy your laptop if you don%26#039;t. The battery is not even needed for normal operation. It is only used to keep the computer%26#039;s clock accurate if the the regular batter is dead.|||Not sure debby if they are soldier in but I will chek on it and try to get back to yas...*s*


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